Why I Insisted On ZERO Artificial Sweeteners
In life, you have to stand for something, or you will fall for anything.
Personally, my mission is to impact as many people’s health as I possibly can, whether that is through a video on Instagram, somebody I coach, or indeed providing Unmatched supplements.
As I stated before in my last blog, the ethos behind Unmatched had to be 100% aligned with my values, and that included raising the bar higher than any other brand had done previously. Amongst procuring cutting edge ingredients, and formulating products which impacted your health and longevity simultaneously I was adamant that Unmatched was going to be 100% FREE of artificial sweeteners and flavorings.
Today, I am going to explain why.
My Issue with Artificial Sweeteners
Before we go any further, having a very rare Diet Coke isn’t the end of the world, for an otherwise healthy individual who is consistently hydrated, consuming 99% of their calories from wholesome foods and training with great intensity.
The issue with artificial sweeteners comes when they are consumed regularly, which for most people, is the case.
People drink diet soda, energy drinks and other convenience foods, as well as consuming their supplements which are laden with artificial sweeteners (I will expose some of our findings during research later in this blog) every day.
They are everywhere!
Although there will be people who cite certain studies to make the argument that they are safe, I want to give you a different perspective.
Does “safe” mean they are “great” for our health? No.
As you sit here, reading my blog on Unmatchedsupps.com, it is obvious to me that you care about optimizing your health, performance, recovery and longevity. With that said, when we are truly seeking optimal results, there is no place for things which are just “safe.”
My personal view is that artificial sweeteners in years to come will be regarded as detrimental to health, with some science already pointing towards this. In one recent study conducted on diet soda, which was done over 20 years, with over 500,000 participants, it concluded that artificial sweeteners do indeed disrupt the gut microbiome.
Can you honestly claim to be surprised by that? I wasn’t.
Read the study here - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7551593/)
Sometimes science needs time to catch up with what we know to be true in the real world. As I continuously say, knowledge without mileage is bullshit, and I assure you with my extensive experience in hand, artificial sweeteners are not your friend.
Having already established that you and I both want to optimize ourselves, we simply cannot afford to tolerate things on a regular basis which hurt our gut health.
Gut health issues are connected to a plethora of other issues, including autoimmune conditions, chronic inflammation and IBS symptoms to name a few. In layman terms, when our gut health is compromised, expect to be sub-optimal!
The Industry Average is Frightening
Even for those who might not completely buy into the idea (yet) that artificial sweeteners aren’t good for longevity, surely it is better to be without them, if you can?
At Unmatched, we have done what many said was impossible, and provided an unrivaled line-up of products which don’t just have a huge impact, they taste great, without ANY artificial sweeteners or flavorings.
It is one thing to be free of artificial sweeteners or flavorings, but when you use the amount of licensed ingredients we do, the task of making them taste great is even harder!
Based on the reviews and feedback, I think you will agree our team has absolutely nailed this. I have to give a special mention to our formulator, Dave Rynecki, who is phenomenal at his job, has years of cutting edge experience and is truly passionate about impacting people’s health.
During the conceptualisation of Unmatched, where I said under no uncertain terms, we were not to use any artificial sweeteners or flavorings, we did some R&D in labs with other brands.
F***ing hell, let me tell you, the results would blow your mind!
One of the leading pre-workouts (which you will have heard of) had the equivalent of 20 packets of Splenda in it!
Just imagine consuming that every day, and then combining it with all of the other supplements too. No wonder so many people associate drinking these supplements with severe gastric distress! Newsflash, drinking something that is deemed “healthy” and experiencing a bad stomach is not normal, it is your body’s way of saying “this is hurting your health.”
Demand More
These are “old hat” formulation strategies being used, because they are cheap and convenient. Why would a company who makes millions of dollars every year for its shareholders suddenly change its processes, at their own expense, when many consumers don’t even ask for these changes? They wouldn’t, unless they cared about your health and were passionate about educating you, like we are at Unmatched.
Beyond creating and selling the best formulas in the world, we want to pioneer a better way forwards, to raise industry standards and make other brands improve their ways.
Together, we can louden our voices, and demand more from an industry which has shockingly low standards!